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Healthy_Recipes > Detox Metabolism Boosting Tea

Especially after a holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas where you may have over-indulged in foods you wouldn't normally eat for several days, this tea is great! I find it boosts metabolism, is detoxifying and also seems to blunt my appetite so it makes it MUCH easier to get back on track and into my normal healthy eating! Try it and see what you think:

1 tea bag of Traditional Medicinals Daily Detox, Roasted Dandelion, Burdock Tea or Organic India Tulsi Cleanse

One dropperful of Green Tea Elixir

When I have Pique Ginger Digestion Elixir that is definitely my go-to

1/2 tsp. of organic ground ginger and1/2 tsp. turmeric (or 1/4" each of the fresh roots if you can get them)

A few grinds of black pepper

Stevia to taste

Just put everything in your cup and pour in boiling water. Cover and steep for 10-15 minutes. Then enjoy! I do this twice a day and almost have to force myself to have my afternoon green drink - just not hungry!

Let me know what you think.

Empowering women to exemplify vibrant health at every stage of life and to be catalysts for health in their families, workplaces and communities.