What is EFT?
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, and some people refer to it as “tapping.” EFT is a form of psychological acupressure, based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments for over five thousand years, but without using needles. Instead, simple tapping with the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while you think about your specific problem - whether it is a traumatic event, an addiction, pain, etc.
It is effective because it is body-based, and stress is stored in the body and it updates the brain's learning so the positive changes remain.
What is interesting is that we have liquid quartz crystals in every cell of our bodies! By tapping these points we are creating a low voltage or piezoelectric charge throughout the lowest layer of our fascia and connective tissue which are found all throughout our entire body. These crystals respond to stimulation and pressure. The signal sent by simply doing EFT soothes the affected organs and clears out blocked cellular receptors. This liquefied quartz reaches every area of our body sending a healing, calming message that relaxes us. We move into a slower alpha and theta brainwave state, cortisol levels drop, and DHEA levels rise.
It is a simple, easy method of internal transformation. For example, if you are stressed or anxious about something, tapping, even just for 10 minutes, can reset your whole system. Research shows EFT can change DNA expression, radically reduce the stress hormone cortisol, and change the brain's pathways. One hour can change 72 genes and reduce cortisol by 24%! The graphic below shows the tapping points.

What is Biblically based EFT?
1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast your anxieties upon. Him, because He cares for you.” EFT calms the body and the brain, allowing us to cast our anxieties upon Him and receive His love, His forgiveness and His care.
It is being used successfully to:
Remove Negative Emotions
Remove subconscious mental and emotional blocks
Reduce Food Cravings
Stop self-sabotaging your efforts to improve your health
Reduce or Eliminate Pain
Implement Positive Goals
Harmonize what you believe in your heart with what you consciously believe
Help overcome PTSD
Many Christians I know think EFT is in conflict with God but our negative emotions, false beliefs and lies are what is in conflict with God. I'm so thankful the number of Christians becoming aware of Christian EFT is growing every day. See what these precious ladies had to say:
“I worked with Ann as she introduced me to tapping or EFT. As she explained the technique and we worked thru the session together, I noticed that with each pass, the stress in my body appeared to diminish. By the end of our session, I felt that we had a breakthrough and that this is certainly an effective way of reducing stress and working thru deep emotional life issues in a biblical way.” Linda A.
“A while back, I was going through a really tough time. On the outside, I presented a calm appearance, but inside I felt very overwhelmed and extremely anxious! Honestly, I wasn’t sure the EFT would help me, I felt such heaviness. Trusting Ann, I thought it was worth a try. My experience with the EFT appointment was truly amazing!!! The way Ann uses prayer and asks key questions, helped me gain insight and clarified why I was feeling so anxious. Afterwards, I immediately felt more relaxed. It was as if a giant weight was lifted off of me. I also felt exhausted!! I had such a good night’s sleep that night! The next day, I felt so much better, clearer and calmer.” Joanne M.
“The use of tapping has been helpful to me in regaining composure and not letting my mind/body run rampant and upset me in an unhealthy or unnecessary way. In a situation where I became suddenly unsure of the health of a child who was far away, I began to feel myself become stressed. I had no access to this child to know if they were ok. Things felt out of my control, tapping on it provided me relief and helped me regain my peace. It kind of was overriding my mind that wanted to keep pounding the problem and brought me back to a sense of calm where I could think more clearly. It totally reduced the tightness and pounding I felt and I was able to work through the situation. Turns out there wasn’t even a need for concern but it happened so fast I almost let it get away from me and create an unhealthy environment in my body.” Lori Y.
What many find so different is that the basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on the negative emotion at hand - a fear, a worry, a bad memory, a physical pain, an unresolved problem, or anything that’s bothering you. We have been taught to only focus on the positive, on what we desire, but until we acknowledge and deal with the negative it will not ever be fully resolved and will rear its ugly head each time we experience something that triggers it.
While maintaining your mental focus on this negative issue, you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on each of the specific meridian points of the body.
Tapping on these meridian points in sequence while concentrating on the negative emotions engages both the brain’s limbic system and the body’s energy system, encouraging a sense of safety and resolution. And as the scientific field of epigenetics is proving, when you change your internal environment - your emotions and beliefs - external changes in your mental and physical health follows.
There are so many benefits including:
1. Anyone can do it
Two-year-olds can do it as well as 90-year-olds.
2. It's portable
All you need are your fingertips, which are always with you.
3. It's self-empowering
It's great to know that you actually have the power to change how you feel about something all by yourself.
4. It's free
You can hugely shift your life all by yourself.
5. It's fast
You can feel better in a few moments. Or you can do a deeper hour-long tapping session.
6. It's gentle
You never have to relive a traumatizing event or feel worse in order to feel better.
7. The benefits are cumulative
You can feel better and better day by day, and even tiny gains matter.
8. Allows health and spiritual growth
I believe that a clear emotional body is at the root of physical health and also spiritual growth.
9. A powerful tool for world peace.
The happier we are individually, the more peaceful our communities and our planet will be.
I have been certified by Impact International School of Ministry as a Biblically-Based EFT Level II Practitioner.
If you are interested in scheduling a FREE 15-minute tapping session, CLICK THIS LINK and fill out the form!
If you want to purchase a one-hour tapping session, CLICK THIS LINK.